Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Things You May Not Know

Donkeys have feelings too.
The desert sun races to its zenith.  Then it just stays there.
I am the Forest Gump of Moroccan souk busses.
Riding a camel uphill is far more comfortable than riding a camel downhill.
Camel sweat reeks and is difficult to get off your hand.
Tourists screw pricing for the rest of us.
Roosters are not as clever as they appear: they crow all day. Only occasionally does their crowing coincide with dawn.
Going there is much better than coming back.
I bring rain to the desert.
I can go many, many days thinking I smell just fine when, in fact, I do not.
People are nice.
Doorbells are useless.  Shouting names is the way to go.
The brain of a sheep tastes about how you think it will taste.

1 comment:

debbie haggard said...

LIKE! (brain of a sheep!?!?! please visualize violent shudder here).